“There is a Thread you follow” : An Exploration of the Lifelong Consequences of Exile in Life as in Scholarship 

​Di. 02/10/2018



Doris Ingrisch im Gespräch mit der Literaturwissenschafterin und Frauenforscherin Evelyn Torton-Beck (in deutscher Sprache)

An exploration of how my life history as a child in exile influenced my life and the impact it has had on my scholarship, which focuses on making visible what has been hidden by the dominant culture, with special emphasis on social justice and personal authenticity.

Evelyn Torton Beck, is Professor Emerita of Women’s Studies at the University of Maryland and holds doctorates in Comparative Literature (1969) and Clinical Psychology (2004). She is Research “Fellow” in Creative Longevity and Wisdom and is associated with the Somatics and Phenomenology Program at The Fielding Graduate University.  Beck is a founder of the discipline of Women’s Studies, its national organization and caucuses (Jewish and Lesbian). Among her ground breaking writings are Kafka and the Yiddish Theater: Its Impact on his Work  (1972) and Nice Jewish Girls: A Lesbian Anthology (1982/1987) which was the first volume to challenge homophobia among Jews and antisemitism among lesbians. He work includes translations with Isaac.Bashevis Singer, a comparative study of Franz Kafka and Frida Kahlo. .She pioneered courses in Women in the Holocaust and is included in the book, Portraits of Life: Holocaust Survivors (2005), and the films,  Lesbiana: A Parallel Revolution (2012), and Triangles: Witnesses of the Holocaust (2014). In retirement, she focuses on the healing power of art, especially poetry and sacred circle dance, which she teaches internationally..


Dr.in Doris Ingrisch ist Professorin für Gender Studies am Institut für Kulturmanagement und Kulturwissenschaft an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte bewegen sich in den Bereichen Gender und Cultural Studies, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Exil-/Emigrationsforschung sowie Qualitative Methoden.