The Philosophy of Propaganda: Workshop with Jason Stanley

​Di. 03/11/2015



Philosophers like to think of themselves as the opposite of propagandists: we “argue”, propagandists “manipulate”. But propagandists practice what philosophers theorise; in propaganda, many of the philosopher’s interests overlap: political theory, epistemology, philosophy of language, aesthetics, and social ontology. Jason Stanley’s recent work on propaganda stresses its philosophical significance, as well as presenting us with a model for how “theoretical” philosophy can be brought to bear on urgent and contested political questions.


  • 11.00–11.15 Uhr: Opening Remarks
  • Session 1 / Chair: Rachel Fraser (Oxford)
    11.15–11.45 Uhr: Aidan McGlynn (Edinburgh): How Pornography Works
    11.45–12.05 Uhr: Response by Jason Stanley (Yale) and TBA
    12.05–12.45 Uhr: Discussion
  • Session 2 / Chair: Odin Kröger (Wien)
    14.45–15.15 Uhr: Alexander Miller Tate (Birmingham):  Empathy and Propaganda
    15.15–15.35 Uhr: Response by Rebekka Hufendiek (Basel) and Jason Stanley (Yale)
    15.35–16.15 Uhr: Discussion
  • Session 3 / Chair: Daniel James (Berlin)
    16.45–17.15 Uhr: Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò (Los Angeles): That School Is Poison: Fukuzawa and Woodson on Miseducation
    17.15–17.35 Uhr: Response by Jason Stanley (Yale) and TBA
    17.35–18.15 Uhr: Discussion
    18.15 Uhr: Closing Remarks

Konzept und Koordination

Rachel Fraser, DPhil student at the University of Oxford.
Daniel James, PhD student at the University of Konstanz.
Odin Kröger, PhD student and lecturer at the University of Vienna.

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