SWIP Austria Lecture Rethinking Julia Kristeva

​Mi. 03/05/2023



SWIP Austria is pleased to announce in cooperation with IWK Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst – Berggasse 17, 1090 Wien the next

SWIP Austria Lecture

Rethinking Julia Kristeva

Time: May 3, 4 – 6 pm, 2023



 4 -5 pm Prof. Dr. Claudia Melica

Lecture: Freedom and Gender Revolution in the understanding of Julia Kristeva

5 – 6 pm Prof. Dr. Miglena Nicolchina

Lecture: From Avant-garde Poetry to the Novel: The Making of Kristeva’s Major Concepts.

We would like to warmly invite you to this lecture.

Prof. Dr. Claudia Melica

Lecture: Freedom and Gender Revolution in the understanding of Julia Kristeva


The paper has the purpose to compare Women Freedom and Emancipation in China and in France. The paper will use, as staring point, Julia Kristeva’s philosophical speech which it was read in Paris at the University Sorbonne in 2010 during the “Prix Simone Beauvoir”. It was a speech dedicated to Simone de Beauvoir with a final “Women Freedom Prize” given to two Chinese Women: Ao Xiaming and Guo Jiammei. Therefore, such important Kristeva’s speech, published in France in 2016, it will give us the opportunity to know her philosophical thought about Women Freedom in China and especially about Simone de Beauvoir’s Feminism. It will be a comparison done by Kristeva between Simone de Beauvoir first journey to China and her journey to China. Therefore, it will be discussed the reportage by Simone de Beauvoir about her journey to China (1955). After more than half century a lot has changed in China at the point that it was recognized a Prize for Chinese Women Intellectual Creativity. Kristeva compare Simone de Beauvoir’s Feminism to those of our days in China and France. Kristeva spoke about two different human and social female conditions (in France and in China). What is more, Kristeva try to show a possible new linguistic and anthropological view in China grounded on language and a different way of writing. Kristeva showed the influence of Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism on the Chinese anthropological and social feminist Revolution of the last century able to establish a female-mother model (and to the patriarchal one) into the society. Important it is to understand what did it means for Socialist countries, as China, “Gender Revolution”. One side, we have the individual existential decision to act, as a woman, only as a free human being grounded only on herself. On the other side, thanks the Feminist Revolution built on a collective action, we see the solidarity between Women for the Emancipation.


Associate Prof. Dr. CLAUDIA MELICA: National Italian Qualification since 2014 as Associate Professor in Moral Philosophy and as Associate Professor in History of Philosophy too. PhD and post-doctorate in Philosophy at University Rome Sapienza (Italy). She was Adj. Professor at University Rome Sapienza (Italy) and Adj. Prof. University Trento (Italy).

Areas of Specialization and of Competence: History of Art and especially German Aesthetic of XVIII and XIX centuries; German Enlightenment (Lessing and M. Mendelssohn), German Idealism (with special attention to Hegel and his Philosophy of Religion); German Philosophy of the “Goethezeit” (F. Schiller and W. von Humboldt); Dutch Modern Philosophy: Spinoza and Frans Hemsterhuis (1721-1790); French Feminism (J. Kristeva and S. de Beauvoir)

Major international Universities and projects collaborations: 2014-2015 France: Cooperation & research partner with Centre Léon Robin de recherches sur la pensée antique UMR 8061 CNRS-Paris IV Sorbonne-ENS Ulm; 2011 France: Université Pantheon-Sorbonne Paris 1 (Group of research NoSoPhi). 2007 England (Oxford): cooperation with the “Hegel Society of Great Britain”. 1990-2000 Netherlands: University “Erasmus” Rotterdam, Department of Philosophy (Chair prof. M.J. Petry). 2018-2021 England: Royal Hollway college (UK).

Many international (D.A.A.D.) & national (by Istituto Italiano per gli studi filosofici in Naples and by C.N.R. Centre for National Research in Italy too) Visiting & Research Fellowships, especially in Germany (Hegel-Archiv, Bochum; Berlin; Halle; Heidelberg).

Relevant publications. Book: La comunità dello spirito in Hegel, (The Community of Spirit in Hegel) Verifiche, Trento 2007.

Critical editions and translations, conference proceedings: 1. Frans Hemsterhuis, Opere (Completed works. Critical edition and translation from French to Italian), a cura di Claudia Melica, Vivarium, Napoli 2001; 2 Hemsterhuis: An European Philosopher Rediscovered, ed. by Claudia Melica, Vivarium, Napoli 2005.

Recent papers offered in occasion of four different collaborations with Vienna University (Austria):

  1. Über die “Ethiko-Theologie”. Hegels Interpretation von Kants teleologischem Gottesbeweis, in “Hegel-Jahrbuch” (2017), fasc. 1- pp. 103-108 (Paper hold in Vienna in April 2014 at the XXX. Internationaler Hegel-Kongress der Internationalen Hegel-Gesellschaft und der Universität Wien);
  2. Religione e Verfassung in Hegel. La ricerca di un nuovo Teseo (Religion and Constitution in Hegel. Looking for a new Teseo), in La religione dopo la critica alla religione. Un dibattito filosofico (The Religion after the Criticism on Religion. A philosophical Discussion), a cura di H. Nagl-Docekal, W. Kaltenbacher, C. Melica, La scuola di Pitagora editrice, Napoli 2017, pp. 89-114 (Paper hold in 2015 at “Istituto storico austriaco di Roma”, Italy, conference organised with the cooperation of University Vienna).
  3. Lessing’s Ideal Model for Culture, Religions and Ethics, in: B. Buchhammer (ed. by.), Re-Learning to be Human in Global Times. Challenges and Opportunities from the perspectives of Contemporary Philosophy of Religion, Washington D. C. 2018, pp. 197-208 (Paper hold in 2017 at University Vienna);
  4. Freiheit und Notwendigkeit bei Moses Mendelssohn, in: B. Buchhammer (hrsg.), Freiheit-Gerechtigkeit-Liebe. Freedom-Justice-Love. Festschrift zum 75 Geburtstag von Herta Nagl-Docekal. Celebratory volume for Herta Nagl-Docekal, LIT, Wien, 2019, pp. 307-319 (paper for a “Festschrift” for Prof. Dr. Herta-Nagl-Docekal, University Vienna)

Claudia Melica has more than 100 PAPERS published in different languages into International & National Peer-Reviewed Journals (Class A) & Chapters in edited Collections.


Prof. Dr. Claudia Melica

Italian qualification as Associate Professor in Moral Philosophy and in History of Philosophy

E-mail: claudiamelica61@gmail.com



Prof. Dr. Miglena Nicolchina

Lecture: From Avant-garde Poetry to the Novel: The Making of Kristeva’s Major Concepts.


The importance of Kristeva’s turn from linguistics to psychoanalysis has been frequently emphasized by Kristeva herself and is widely accepted by Kristevan scholars. A closer look at her conceptual apparatus, however, reveals a more subtle blend of continuity and change in her theoretical perspective. In this talk, I will draw attention to the shift in Kristeva’s focus from (mostly avant-garde) poetry to the (mostly modernist) novel as accompanying the vicissitudes of her theoretical explorations. Ultimately, this shift involves a re-evaluation of fiction and imagination as human capacities which make life livable.

Prof. Dr. Miglena Nikolchina is a Bulgarian poet, writer, and theoretician whose research interests involve the interactions of literature and philosophy. Professor at the Department for Theory and History of Literature at Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski,” Sofia, Bulgaria, having previously been Chair of the Department for Theory and History of Literature at Sofia University, and Director of the Centre for Gender and Culture at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Nikolchina’s publications аre situated at the intersections of history and theory of literature, philosophy, and gender studies, with a focus on literary utopianism and the post-communist legacy. She is the author of six scholarly books, as well as books of poetry and fiction, and (co)editor of book series and separate volumes with translated and original scholarly essays. Apart from Bulgarian, her books and articles have appeared in English, French, Hungarian, Slovene, Polish, Serbian, Macedonian, Ukrainian, Russian, and Turkish. In English, her publications include numerous articles as well as the books Matricide in Language: Writing Theory in Kristeva and Woolf (2004) and Lost Unicorns of the Velvet Revolutions: Heterotopias of the Seminar (2013). She guest-edited a special issue of differences (2021, 32.1) on “The Undead of Literary Theory.” Her most recent book (in Bulgarian) is God with Machine: Subtracting the Human (2022).


Publications: https://www.ae-info.org/ae/Member/Nikolchina_Miglena/Publications