Analyzing Social Wrongs: Workshop on Social Criticism in Analytic Philosophy

​Do. 14/05/2015–​Sa. 16/05/2015



How (if at all) can we use the methods of Analytic Philosophy to criticise social wrongs, that is, wrongs that for their very existence depend on social relations or structures? Of course, many philosophers from different backgrounds – for example, Analytic Marxism, feminist philosophy, or the critical philosophy of race – have done so for the last thirty years. However, whether these methods are up for that task is far from clear. After all, the methods of Analytic Philosophy have been developed to address questions of language and logics, they often aim to find reflective equilibria or logical proofs. How does that translate to criticizing social structures? Until now, such questions, that is, questions of method, have hardly ever been asked, yet alone been addressed—which is what we want to do in this workshop.

With, among others, Sally Haslanger (MIT), Kristie Dotson (Michigan State/Columbia), Nathaniel Adam Tobias Coleman (University College London), Katharine Jenkins (Sheffield), Joseph Kisolo-Ssonko (Manchester/Sheffield), Mari Mikkola (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and Al Prescott-Couch (Harvard).

Further information and registration:


Nathaniel Adam Tobias Coleman: Fellow in Hull’s Institute of Applied Ethics and Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation, in Liverpool’s Department of Philosophy and Centre for the Study of International Slavery, and in London’s Institute of Commonwealth Studies, Research Associate in the Philosophy of »Race« in the Department of Philosophy at University College London.

Kristie Dotson: Associate Professor of Philosophy at Michigan State University.

Sally Haslanger: Ford Professor of Philosophy and Women’s and Gender Studies at MIT.

Hilkje Haenel: PhD-student at the Humboldt-University of Berlin.

Daniel James: Lecturer at the Humboldt-University of Berlin.

Katharine Jenkins: PhD student in Philosophy at the University of Sheffield.

Joseph Kisolo-Ssonko: Teaching Assistant at Manchester University.

Odin Kroeger: PhD student and lecturer at the University of Vienna.

Mari Mikkola: Junior Professor for Practical Philosophy at the Humboldt-University of Berlin.

Al Prescott-Couch: graduate student at Harvard University.

Program Comittee

Hilkje Hänel, Daniel James, Odin Kroeger