23rd ISAPS Conference: African Philosophy in an Intercultural Perspective

​Mo. 10/07/2017–​Di. 11/07/2017

Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien



One of the main areas of teaching and research in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna is Intercultural Philosophy. For this reason, the 23rd ISAPS Conference in 2017 will focus on “African Philosophy in an Intercultural Perspective”.

Intercultural Philosophy is an approach to philosophy which takes, as equal contributions, philosophical traditions and discourses from different regions and cultures of the world. In contrast to any kind of centrism an intercultural approach to philosophy takes into consideration that intercultural interactions and encounters are a fact of human existence. The goal of an intercultural approach to philosophy is twofold: firstly, to develop some consciousness about one’s own contextuality, that is about the cultural, linguistic, religious determination of philosophy in its respective historical contexts, and secondly, to transcend one’s regional approach to philosophy.

We invite submissions that interrogate and analyse the intercultural dimension in African philosophy, practical approaches to philosophizing in an intercultural way, the intercultural dimension of philosophy in Africa in the past and today, from ancient Egypt up to today’s debates in philosophy under the specific conditions of a postcolonial world, as well as critical considerations towards the project of an Intercultural Philosophy. Some of the questions that we hope the submissions will address include: What is the intercultural dimension of philosophy in Africa? What role does an interculturally oriented approach to philosophy play in today’s discourses in Africa? Where are the connecting dots between philosophy in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Arabia, and Europe/Northern America – yesterday and today? What is the potential of an intercultural approach to philosophy? What are the pitfalls? Does Intercultural Philosophy provide a fair and equal opportunity at international discourse in philosophy in the sense of advancing epistemic justice in a world that seems to structurally marginalize Africa and its contributions or just a new way to colonize the mind of the Other?

Conference Programme and more Info here.

Organisation: Dr. Anke Graness, Dr. Edwin Etieyibo, Dr. Thomas Hübel